Creating a dynamic view with ejs

Building static pages is great, but sometimes we need to feed dynamic content into our templates. Because Perk is built on top of Express, it supports all the templating engines and ships with ejs. In this guide we'll cover how to pass data from a route to an ejs template.

Passing data from your route

Imagine we have a /blog route and we would like to pass an array of blog posts to our blog home page template. Here's what our route may look like:

let router = require('express').Router();

/* GET blog home page. */
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {

module.exports = router;

If this looks unfamiliar, you might want to check out the guide on creating new pages and routes.

We're going to add a few lines of code to pass an array of blog posts to the blog home page.

let router = require('express').Router();

/* GET blog home page. */
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
    let blogPosts = [
            title: 'Perk is for real!',
            body: '...',
            author: 'Aaron Larner',
            publishedAt: new Date('2016-03-19'),
            createdAt: new Date('2016-03-19')
            title: 'Development continues...',
            body: '...',
            author: 'Aaron Larner',
            publishedAt: new Date('2016-03-18'),
            createdAt: new Date('2016-03-18')
            title: 'Welcome to Perk!',
            body: '...',
            author: 'Aaron Larner',
            publishedAt: new Date('2016-03-17'),
            createdAt: new Date('2016-03-17')
    res.render('blog/index', { posts: blogPosts });

module.exports = router;

Notice we've created an array of posts and assigned it to the variable blogPosts. Additionally, we are now passing a second argument to our res.render method. The second argument is an object that stores all of the information we wish to pass to the view. You can imagine that instead of being hard-coded in our route, the array of posts could have been fetched from our database.

Rendering data in your view

Now we need to actually use that data and display it within our view. Inside of the view that's getting loaded (/views/blog/index.html) we're going to iterate over the array of posts, and render them within the HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Welcome to my blog</title>
    <h1>Recent Blog Posts</h1>
    <% for(let i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) { %>
            <h2><%= posts[i].title %></h1>
            <p><%= posts[i].body %></p>
    <% } %>

We are using special ejs tags above to inject the dymanic content. ejs templates support the following tags:

<% ... %> - anything inside of this tag will be evaluated as JavaScript code.

<% let message = 'ejs is <strong>cool</strong>'; %>

<%= ... %> - anything inside of this tag will be evaluated as JavaScript code and escaped before being inserted into the page.

<h1><%= message %></h1>

will render

<h1>ejs is &lt;strong&gt;cool&lt;/strong&gt;</h1>

<%- ... %> - anything inside of this tag will be evaluated as JavaScript code and inserted into the page without being escaped.

<span><%- message %></span>

will render

<span>ejs is <strong>cool</strong></span>

Next steps...

Learn how to query and display data with models.