Video Reel

Tutorial videos on how to use Perk - Passport, Express, Redis and Knex.

01 - Up & Running

Build a LinkedIn clone using node and express. In this video I give you and overview of the project that we're about to create as well as help you quickly get through that setup work so that you can get to the fun stuff faster.

02 - Modifying the Homepage View

In this video we're going to learn how to modify the home page and also explore the perk configuration system.

03 - Database Migrations - Creating Tables

Most modern web applications store persistent information. Relational databases are one way of storing that information. In this video we learn how to modify the structure of our database using migrations.

04 - Setting up an API

Today we're going to continue along that path and write some back-end code to set up a RESTful API that will allow us to do basic create, cread, update and delete operations on out database. This will give us the power to store persistent data from the front-end of our application in our postgres database.

05 - Using Sass, ES6 and Modules

In this video were going to temporarily switch gears and talk about the front-end. Perk has a bunch of really useful out of the box features to make your life on the front-end enjoyable like JavaScript modules, ES6 and Sass.

06 - Setting up a Single Page App

In this video we're going to set up the basic structure of our single page app, including a global navigation and some skeleton pages using React and React Router.